I154.jpegt’s no secret that America has a weight problem. 根据 USAFacts,70%的成年人 in the United States are overweight or obese. 这不仅会影响我们的自尊和自信,还会让我们面临死亡的风险 各种健康问题 such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

虽然导致体重增加和肥胖的因素有很多,但其中一个罪魁祸首是睡眠不足 不良的饮食习惯. With so many fast food options and processed foods readily available, it can be easy to fall into unhealthy eating habits. 然而, 对你的饮食做一些简单的改变不仅可以帮助你减肥,还可以改善你的整体健康和幸福.

作为新英格兰东南部社区公认的医疗保健领导者,我们的 主要的护理 团队提供了这个健康的食物指南,帮助你为你的身体做出更好的选择,达到你的减肥目标.



健康的饮食是指为身体提供所需的所有必需营养素,同时限制不健康的食物和饮料. A balanced diet should consist of:

  • Fresh fruit and vegetables: These are important sources of vitamins, 矿物质, and fiber that our bodies need to function properly. They also add volume to our meals without adding excess calories.

  • Lean proteins: Foods such as chicken, 鱼, 豆子。, 豆腐提供必需的氨基酸,这些氨基酸是我们肌肉和组织的基石. They also help keep us feeling full and satisfied.

  • Whole grains: Foods like whole-wheat pasta, 糙米, 藜麦是纤维和复合碳水化合物的重要来源,有助于为我们的身体提供持续的能量.

  • 健康脂肪:牛油果, 坚果, and olive oil provide essential fatty acids that help keep our hearts healthy.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 建议 用水果和蔬菜填满盘子的一半,选择全谷物而不是加工过的. It also suggests limiting added sugars and saturated fats, which can be found in many popular fast food options.

健康饮食小贴士 & 减肥

Changing your diet can feel overwhelming, but if you break it down into easy-to-digest steps, these changes can be much easier than they initially seem. Here are some simple tips:

1. 提前计划好饮食

Spend some time each week planning your meals. 当你没有时间或精力时,这有助于避免选择快餐或加工食品的诱惑. By planning out your meals, 包括零食, and creating a shopping list based on your meal plan, you’ll have the tools you need to stick to a healthy diet. Plus, it’ll save you time and money in the long run.

此外,尝试 晚餐准备 在周末,你会为接下来的一周做饭并分配食物. 这样,即使在忙碌的日子里,你也总是有健康的选择.

Use these ideas to get started:

  • Breakfast: Overnight oats with Greek yogurt and berries

  • Lunch: Grilled chicken and vegetable wrap with hummus

  • Dinner: Baked salmon, 糙米, and roasted vegetables

2. Incorporate More Whole Foods

天然食物是天然的,未经加工的食物,为我们的身体提供必需的营养. 这些食物包括水果、蔬菜、全谷物、瘦肉蛋白和健康脂肪. 在你的饮食中加入更多的这些食物不仅可以帮助你减肥,还可以改善你的整体健康.

Here are some tips for incorporating more whole foods into your meals:

  • Swap processed snacks such as chips and cookies for fresh fruit, raw vegetables with hummus, 或者一把坚果.

  • Add extra vegetables to your meals. 在煎蛋卷、炒菜或意大利面酱中加入额外的蔬菜.

  • Replace white rice with 糙米 or quinoa. These whole grains provide more fiber and nutrients than processed white rice.

3. 保持水分

Sometimes, we confuse thirst with hunger. 经常喝水可以帮助你控制食欲,促进新陈代谢. 

To keep yourself hydrated:

  • Aim for at least 8 glasses of water a day and avoid sugary drinks like soda, which can add unnecessary calories to your diet.

  • 随身携带一个可重复使用的水瓶,提醒自己多喝水.

  • 用水果或草药来调味你的水,这是一种清爽可口的选择,而不是白开水.

4. 练习份量控制

说到减肥,我们吃的食物的量和我们吃的东西一样重要. Start by familiarizing yourself with recommended serving sizes; for instance, a serving of meat should be about the size of a deck of cards, 而一份水果或蔬菜的份量应该和棒球差不多大.

Here are some tips to help you practice portion control:

  • Use smaller plates and bowls to help you visually control your portions.

  • Measure out serving sizes using measuring cups or a food scale.

  • Fill half of your plate with vegetables, one-fourth with lean protein, and one-fourth with whole grains.

  • 避免直接从袋子或容器里拿出来吃,因为很容易在没有意识到的情况下吃得过多. Instead, portion out your food onto a plate or bowl before eating.

5. 要注意

用心饮食包括把注意力放在你正在吃的食物上,并充分享受当下. This can help prevent overeating and promote healthier food choices.

Here are some tips for practicing mindful eating:

  • 细嚼慢咽,细细品味每一口食物,注意食物的味道、质地和气味.

  • 吃饭时避免分心,比如看电视或刷手机.

  • 当你感到饱的时候就不要再吃了,即使你的盘子里还有食物.

  • Check in with yourself before reaching for seconds; are you actually hungry, or are you eating out of boredom, 压力, 或习惯?

6. Explore Nutritious Recipes

Healthy eating doesn't have to be bland and boring. 有很多美味又营养的食谱可以帮助你在不牺牲味道的情况下减肥. 要获得灵感,请访问 our blog on the top 5 most nutritious Portuguese dishes for delicious, healthy options that can add variety to your diet.


主要的护理 is dedicated to supporting you every step of the way on your 减肥 旅程. 我们的Medi-Weightloss®程序 提供:

  • Personalized Plans: Tailored to meet your health needs and 减肥 goals, our plans maximize success without compromising your well-being.

  • Medical Supervision: With Medi-Weightloss, 我们的医疗专业人员会监督您的进度,并调整您的计划,以帮助您实现目标.

  • 营养咨询:了解营养是持久减肥的关键. 我们的 team offers guidance and tools for informed dietary choices.

  • 持续支持:我们的团队定期与您进行检查,并提供资源,以帮助您保持轨道和动力. We’re here to support your wellness 旅程 for the long haul.

主要的护理: Your Weight Loss Partner

在你的日常饮食中添加健康食品不仅有助于减肥,而且还提供了许多健康优势,可以显著提高你的整体健康水平. By focusing on a variety of food groups, 从事备餐工作, and experimenting with different foods, you can enjoy delicious foods in a healthier way. 这种方法不仅可以降低你患慢性疾病的风险,还可以使减肥之旅更加愉快和可持续.

用主要的护理的 Medi-Weightloss程序, achieving your 减肥 goals is within reach. 我们的医学专家致力于帮助您做出更健康的食物选择,并为您制定个性化的计划. 

Ready to start your 减肥 旅程?澳门金沙手机官方官网 了解更多澳门金沙手机官方网址的减肥计划,并安排与我们的营养专家的咨询! 

Frequently Asked Questions

What health benefits can I expect from eating fewer calories?

少吃卡路里, 如果处理得当, can lead to numerous health benefits, 包括减肥, 改善心脏健康, better blood sugar control, and reduced risk of chronic diseases. 我们的减肥计划可以帮助你制定一个卡路里控制的膳食计划,满足你的营养需求,帮助你达到减肥目标.

Can I still enjoy my favorite foods while trying to lose weight?

是的,你可以! At 主要的护理, we believe in sustainable and enjoyable 减肥. 这就是为什么我们的医学专家会和你一起寻找更健康的替代品和方法,把你最喜欢的食物纳入你的饮食计划. 只要适度控制食量,你仍然可以在减肥的同时享受各种各样的食物.


我们的 Medi-Weightloss程序 takes a holistic approach to 减肥, focusing not only on diet but also behavior and lifestyle changes. 我们的团队将监控您的进度,并调整您的计划,以确保安全有效的减肥. 我们提供持续的支持和资源,帮助您长期维持减肥. 

Perhaps most notably, our program is led by medical professionals! 你可以依靠我们来指导你的减肥之旅的每一步.
